Photo: Aku Häyrynen
Organorgan is an organism created in synergy by living plants, humans, analog mechanics and digital technology. It was the main artistic work as part of my bachelors degree. It was a hour lasting experience for the experiencers in a studio space. During the process we worked as a group and viewed our occupations more as fields of expertise rather than something that would set the exact nature of work.
The hearth of the organism was programming made with MAX/MSP. It analysed data gathered from the spectators by skin conductivity and pressure sensors and changed it to stage directions, sound scapes and lighting scenes.
Working group:
Convener and sound design: Markus Lindén
Sound design: Katri Puranen
Lighting design: Teo Lanerva
Lighting design: Kauri Klemelä
Set design: Tomi Flyckt
Set design: Perttu Sinervo
Costume design: Liisa Pesonen