The recently closed techno club Paino. rose from the ashes for one night in form of amazing all night techno event in Helsinki underground. The mystical and lo-fi setting wasn't a place for an usual light show, so I decided to create a simple totem pole in the middle of the dance floor.

I graduated from University of the Arts Helsinki: Department of Lighting Design. I'll continue to master studies during spring 2017.

Photo: Sofia Ananas
A contemporary dance performance at the space for free arts.
Choreography and Performance: Hanna Kortelainen ja Riikka Niemistö
Visual Design: Teo Lanerva

Taival is a contemporary circus performance with three performers: a juggler, an acrobat and a performance artist. Absurd scenes create a raw performance with mixture of black humour and oddness. Isn't pain a bit poetic as beauty? Can we lauch at painful and hurtful things?

Taival is a contemporary circus performance with three performers: a juggler, an acrobat and a performance artist. Absurd scenes create a raw performance with mixture of black humour and oddness. Isn't pain a bit poetic as beauty? Can we lauch at painful and hurtful things?

UrbanApa is a contemporary art platform for work in progress -performances. We had the honor of opening the festival with a four dancer version of Session.
Photo: Jouni Ihalainen

UrbanApa is a contemporary art platform for work in progress -performances. I worked as the house lighting designer of the festival.

UrbanApa is a contemporary art platform for work in progress -performances. I worked as the house lighting designer of the festival.
Photo: Jouni Ihalainen

It was again a pleasure to make the lights flash at Flow Festival!
Lighting Design: Matti Jykylä
Photo: Samu Hintsa

Wind Etude was the artistic part of choreographer Soili Huhtakallio's master thesis in the Theatre Academy of Helsinki. It was a contemporary dance piece about predicement of the wolf and woman. About taking space and escaping from it. We ended up to lands of subconsious and dreaming.
The lighting design formed around a concept of broken forest built using lighting fixtures hung at different levels. I wanted to give the space really three dimensional feeling as the event and the sound were moving around the audience. Most of the performance was lit using only these fresnels.
Working Group:
Performers: Meeri Altmets, Elisa Keisanen, Anni Koskinen, Katriina Tavi
Concept, choreography and text: Soili Huhtakallio
Sound Design: Lukas Nowok
Lighting Design: Teo Lanerva
Costume Design: Anton Vartiainen
Acoustic Consulting: Johannes Oksanen