Wind Etude was the artistic part of choreographer Soili Huhtakallio's master thesis in the Theatre Academy of Helsinki. It was a contemporary dance piece about predicement of the wolf and woman. About taking space and escaping from it. We ended up to lands of subconsious and dreaming.
The lighting design formed around a concept of broken forest built using lighting fixtures hung at different levels. I wanted to give the space really three dimensional feeling as the event and the sound were moving around the audience. Most of the performance was lit using only these fresnels.
Working Group:
Performers: Meeri Altmets, Elisa Keisanen, Anni Koskinen, Katriina Tavi
Concept, choreography and text: Soili Huhtakallio
Sound Design: Lukas Nowok
Lighting Design: Teo Lanerva
Costume Design: Anton Vartiainen
Acoustic Consulting: Johannes Oksanen